SalesMail Blog

Best Practices for Getting Social with SalesMail!

Apr 19, 2023 7:00:00 AM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Video Mail, SalesMail


Most people know that videos are a great way to grab attention on social media. Video is a medium that can quickly and clearly communicate a wealth of information in a way that is much more accessible and entertaining than a paragraph or graphic. However, not every social media platform is equipped with the data-tracking resources social media marketers desire. That’s where SalesMail can be an indispensable tool! 

Using SalesMail videos on social media is a great way to diversify your content mix with videos, increase interactivity with clickable social content, and inform you of your audience’s interactions with SalesMail’s engagement features.

Our users frequently ask us, “what’s the best way to post SalesMail to social media?”  

So, in this article, we detail the best practices for sharing SalesMail videos on your social media platforms.  

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How C-Level Execs Are Using Video in 2023

Mar 17, 2023 11:00:00 AM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Video Mail


Studies show that 3 in 4 employees see effective communication as the number one leadership attribute. With the traditional work environment flipped upside down after the COVID-19 pandemic, employers have been challenged to find new ways to maintain effective communications with their team members.  

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Why Your Marketing Emails Need Video!

Dec 13, 2022 12:00:00 PM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Marketing Automation, Video Mail, SalesMail


SalesMail is a market-leading branded video messaging application that allows you to instantly record personalized video messages that you can send via email, text message, or through any of your other favorite messaging apps. With SalesMail, you instantly build trust, develop great relationships, and get responses faster.  

Today we discuss how video mail is an undeniably effective tool for driving opens and clicks for your marketing communications. 

While video mail has been traditionally used in a one-to-one capacity, using it in a one-to-many capacity can be a game-changer for email marketers. 

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Video Mail for Emergency Communications

Nov 15, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Abbigail Madden posted in News, Video Mail, SalesMail

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to communicate sensitive information during an emergency in a way that is caring and empathetic, but also direct and informative? 

If you answered yes, then this is the article for you.  

During an emergency, the last thing you want to do is come across as hard-boiled and uncaring. Sometimes, however, when you are delivering important information regarding said emergency, your compassion can get lost amongst the details. That’s why we recommend using video mail to deliver this information. 

In this article, we discuss how you should be using video mail as your communication method during emergencies and crisis situations.  

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How to Choose the Right Video App: Five Questions to Ask

Jun 28, 2022 12:00:00 PM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Video Mail


Are you a sales or HR professional looking to improve outreach, humanize your communications, and retain the attention of your audience?   

Have you considered adding video to your tech stack, but aren’t sure where to start?  

Below we outline the five most important questions to consider when looking for a video mail app.  

For the uninitiated, video mail is one of the easiest and most effective ways to cut through the sea of digital noise, and build strong relationships with prospects, customers, job applicants, and employees.  

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Dos and Don’ts of Video Mail

Jun 14, 2022 12:00:00 PM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Video Mail, SalesMail


We get it, getting on camera can be daunting.  

It’s perfectly normal to feel uncomfortable recording yourself, not to mention actually sending that video to another person. But with a little guidance and practice, you’ll learn that it’s not so daunting after all. Even better, when you hear positive feedback and get great results, you’ll understand why video mail is the differentiator you need to thrive in a competitive market.  

As so many users will attest, video mail is a powerful tool that can revolutionize your asynchronous communications, whether that is through email, text messaging, social media, etc.  

We’re here to give you the best resources for maximizing the potential of your video mail messages, so keep reading to learn five Dos and Don’ts for video mail that will empower you to confidently create compelling and effective video messages!

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Top 10 Ways to Use Video Mail

Feb 22, 2022 8:00:00 AM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Video Mail

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Spice up your email communications with video mail!

Wondering why you should consider video mail? Did you know emails with videos in them improve the click-through rate by 300%? If you have important information to share with a recipient, then sending it with a video is a must!   

There are hundreds of ways to use video mail. The capacity by which you can use video mail is only limited by your imagination. With that said, we’ve outlined the top ten ways to use video mail in your business to spice up your communication practices. 

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50 Stats About Video to Supercharge Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Feb 8, 2022 7:30:00 AM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Video Mail, SalesMail


To no one’s surprise, video is the most popular choice for content consumption today. 

HubSpot's 2021 State of Marketing Report reveals that video is the top content marketing strategy used by brands while social media is ranked as the top marketing channel.  

Video is an irreplaceable part of any business’s sales and marketing strategy. Given this, we have compiled 50 stats about video marketing to inspire you to integrate videos into your sales and marketing strategy.  

And if you’d like to start using branded, personalized videos today, you can do so in a few easy steps with SalesMail!  

Keep reading to see which statistics we’ve pulled together for you. The following metrics are broken down by Top Video Marketing Statistics, Video Consumption and Usage Trends, Videos on Social Media Metrics, and Videos for Business Use Statistics. Check it out now! 

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Reengaging Stalled Leads with Video

Sep 30, 2021 9:00:00 AM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Marketing Automation, Video Mail


One of the most frustrating things as a sales professional is missing out on opportunities because a lead has stalled in the sales process. The unfortunate truth is, too many leads are lost in the nurturing process. In fact, most “email marketing databases naturally degrade by about 22.5% every year” (HubSpot). Despite this, we are constantly looking for ways to pick up those lost leads.  

How does one reengage stalled leads? 

In this article we will address stalled leads, how to qualify them, and ways to reengage them using video! 

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Virtual Tours Made Easy with SalesMail

Jun 23, 2021 11:00:55 AM / by Abbigail Madden posted in Video Mail, MultiFamily Housing


Virtual tours have become standard in many industries, and they aren’t going away anytime soon. From multifamily housing and senior living to restaurants and hospitality, the virtual tour industry is booming. How can you best take advantage of this process without leaving it all up to the customer?  

Start using video mail to conduct your virtual tours of course! 

Video mail allows you to send personalized video messages right to your prospect or client – making them feel connected to you as a salesperson. Using a video mail application like SalesMail allows you to instantly record and send video messages through any of your favorite email or messaging applications.  

Video mail is an essential tool in the multifamily and real estate industries because leasing agents and realtors can quickly and efficiently record and send personalized tours of units, amenities, and properties to interested parties.  

Keep reading to learn how creating virtual tours is made easier with SalesMail! 

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