SalesMail Blog

50 Stats About Video to Supercharge Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Feb 8, 2022 7:30:00 AM / by Abbigail Madden

To no one’s surprise, video is the most popular choice for content consumption today. 

HubSpot's 2021 State of Marketing Report reveals that video is the top content marketing strategy used by brands while social media is ranked as the top marketing channel.  

Video is an irreplaceable part of any business’s sales and marketing strategy. Given this, we have compiled 50 stats about video marketing to inspire you to integrate videos into your sales and marketing strategy.  

And if you’d like to start using branded, personalized videos today, you can do so in a few easy steps with SalesMail!  

Keep reading to see which statistics we’ve pulled together for you. The following metrics are broken down by Top Video Marketing Statistics, Video Consumption and Usage Trends, Videos on Social Media Metrics, and Videos for Business Use Statistics. Check it out now! 

Top Video Marketing Statistics 

1. By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — fifteen times higher than it was in 2017 (Cisco). 

2. 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day (Social Media Week). 

3. Studies show that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support (HubSpot). 

4. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in the text (Insivia). 

5. 83% of video marketers say video has helped increase the average time their visitors spend on the page (Wyzowl). 

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Video Consumption Statistics and Usage Trends 

6. One-third of all online activity is spent watching videos (WordStream). 

7. Six out of ten people prefer watching online video content compared to television (Think with Google). 

8. More than 75% of all videos are played on mobile devices (eMarketer). 

9. Videos that are up to two minutes long get the most engagement. There is a significant drop in engagement for videos after two minutes. However, if you have a long video and people make it past six minutes, there are hardly any drop-offs in engagement (Wistia). 

10. Personalized videos are 35% more likely to retain viewers as compared to non-personalized videos (HubSpot). 

11. Videos that are less than 90 seconds long have a 50% retention rate (HubSpot). 

12. In the U.S., the most popular viewing time for online videos is Wednesday between 7 AM-11 AM PST (HubSpot). 

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Video Marketing Statistics for Social Media 

13. Video posts on social media get 48% more views (The Marketing Helpline).

14. 16% of social video viewers use vlogs to research products (Global Web Index). 

15. YouTube [88%] is the most popular platform among marketers for sharing videos, followed by Facebook [76%], LinkedIn [66%], and Instagram [65%] (Oberlo). 

16. Globally, mobile YouTube videos reach more 18-19 year-olds than any television network (Think with Google). 

17. Globally, 40% of shoppers said that they purchased products that they had discovered on YouTube (Think with Google). 

18. Video posts have the highest organic engagement on Facebook (Ever Increasing Circle & HubSpot). 

19. 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound (American Press Institute). 

20. Video posts on LinkedIn are shared 20x more than other content formats (LinkedIn). 

21. 80% of videos on LinkedIn are viewed with the sound off – which is why 70% of videos designed for silent viewing (with texts or captions) are more likely to be watched until completion (LinkedIn). 

22. Videos that are 30-90 seconds long work best on LinkedIn (LinkedIn). 

23. Video posts on Instagram receive twice as much engagement as compared to other types of posts (Search Engine Journal). 

24. Using stickers on Instagram Stories can increase viewership by 83% (Facebook). 

25. Twitter gets two billion views on video each day (Twitter). 

26. Promoted tweets with videos save more than 50% on cost-per-engagement (Twitter). 

27. Tweets with videos get 10x more engagement as compared to tweets without video (Twitter). 

28. On average, American users spend 46 minutes on TikTok every day, amounting to 37 billion video views a month (Ad Age). 

29. Over ten billion videos are watched on Snapchat daily (Social Media Week). 

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Video Marketing Statistics for Marketers and Businesses 

30. 64% of consumers purchase a product after watching social videos created by brands (Tubular Insights). 

31. 80% of users can recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days (Small Biz Trends). 

32. 54% of people want to see more video content from marketers (HubSpot).

33. 89% of video marketers say video gives them a good ROI, 83% of video marketers say video helps them with lead generation, and 87% of video marketers say video has increased traffic to their website (Wyzowl). 

34. 71% of B2B marketers and 66% of B2C marketers use video marketing (Wyzowl). 

35. On average, marketers increase digital video budgets by 25% year over year (IAB). 

36. The video marketing industry in the US alone is worth $135 billion (Social Media Week). 

37. Emails with the word ‘video’ in the subject are opened 7% more than emails without (Social Media Week). 

38. Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year (Oberlo). 

39. Eight out of ten people have purchased an app or software after watching a brand’s video (Wyzowl). 

40. 55% of consumers watch videos before making purchase decisions (Search Engine Journal). 

41. On average, businesses post eighteen videos in a month (HubSpot).

42. With shorter attention spans, marketers have only 2.7 seconds to get the attention of their audience (Marketing Mag). 

43. The most common videos created by marketers are explainer videos [72%], presentation videos [49%], testimonial videos [48%], sales videos [42%], and video ads [42%] (Wyzowl). 

44. 96% of people have watched an explainer video to better understand or learn about a product or service. 84% of people say that watching online videos of brands has convinced them to buy a product or service. 86% of people say they want to see more video content by brands. Of these, 36% prefer more educational and explainer videos (Wyzowl). 

45. Sales teams that use videos in their emails get a 16% higher open rate and a 26% increase in replies (Sales Loft). 

46. Event service companies whose proposals included a video had a 103% higher closed rate (Proposify). 

47. Companies that use advanced analytics to measure the performance of their videos are more likely to increase their video budgets this year (HubSpot). 

48. SaaS companies that included a video in their proposal got a 41% higher closing rate (Proposify). 

49. Emails with videos in them improve the click-through rate by 300% (Campaign Monitor) 

50. 13% of marketers who don’t use video as a part of their strategy say it is because they lack the time, 20% of marketers say it is too expensive, and 17% of marketers don’t know where to start (Wyzowl) 


You likely already knew the importance of video in your sales and marketing strategy, but now you have the statistics to prove it! Now is the time to make some videos and share them with your audience -- to start using personalized, branded videos in a few easy steps, check out SalesMail today! 

Tags: Video Mail, SalesMail

Abbigail Madden

Written by Abbigail Madden

Abbi is SalesMail's Digital Marketing Director. When she isn't writing copy, posting on social, or sending emails, you can find her reading, crafting, or hiking. Connect with her on LinkedIn to stay up to date on all things SalesMail!