SalesMail Blog

Effective Follow-Up: Warm Up & Keep Leads Engaged - Boot Camp Basics Ep.108

Jul 23, 2024 2:15:00 PM / by Tucker Tyree

On the left, SalesMail Bootcamp Basics Episode 108: Follow-Up Strategies. On the right, a woman taking a selfie on her smartphone.

Responding to an internet lead within two hours is essential for keeping potential future residents, but effective outreach doesn't stop there. Enter the Rule of 7, a century-old marketing principle, which states that potential customers need to encounter your message at least seven times before they’re ready to commit. 

Understanding the Rule of 7  means, on your end, you should have seven pieces of outreach ready to go so that you can effectively present your community to your potential future resident.

In this blog, you'll learn how to follow up with internet leads and warm leads through a mix of evergreen and personal follow-up strategies. 

Just below the video are seven ideas to connect with an internet lead!



7 Follow-Up Ideas for an Internet Lead

  1. Introduction Video – Kick off with a warm introduction. Share who you are, the unique aspects of your community, and why it’s a great place to live.
  2. Community Events – Host fun events at your community like live music or a taco truck night and record a video to show off the fun spirit to your prospect.
  3. Amenity Highlight – Stand in one of your amenities and talk about how much your current residents love it. Alternatively, highlight your residents using the amenity to showcase its real-life benefits.
  4. A Season at Your Community – Update this video once per season. Showcase anything from the spring blossoms to winter galas to reflect the changing charm of your community.
  5. A “Day-in-the-Life" Vlog – Create a vlog capturing a day in your community. This gives you the chance to highlight multiple amenities and activities, which will give prospects a well-rounded view.
  6. Local Area Highlights - Talk about the nearby attractions, like options for food, activities, and entertainment. Show your prospect the vibrant life surrounding your community.
  7. Invitation - Send an invitation to a virtual tour or an event open to the community. In-person interactions & personal experiences can quickly warm up cold leads.  

Congratulations! You've just completed and sent out seven pieces of outreach to your potential future residents. Give yourself a round of applause for your hard work and dedication. 


Post Tour Follow-Up

Not only do you get a round of applause, but your persistence has paid off—they’re excited to come in for a tour! Now, it’s time to nurture this warm lead. There are two effective follow-up methods after a tour: personal and evergreen.


Follow-Up With a Personal Touch

Personal follow-ups are just that: a special video made for just one person, and they make your client feel appreciated. Crafting a unique video for each person might add to your workload, but it shows you genuinely care. 

To craft a compelling personal follow-up after a tour, you actually need to start preparing while the tour is going on. During the tour, take note of what caught your potential future residents' eye. Was it the spacious walk-in closet, the modern gym, or the inviting pool? Make a video in that exact spot, saying, "Hey, just thinking about you and wanted to remind you about our fantastic closet/gym/pool that you liked!" 

This approach shows you were paying attention and that you are genuinely interested in their preferences. If you find yourself making videos about the same feature repeatedly, consider creating an evergreen video for that specific amenity. 


Evergreen Follow-Up Essentials

Just like the tree, an evergreen follow-up is a video that is timeless and reliable. It’s designed to be reused multiple times, for multiple potential residents, without losing its impact.  

Here’s a practical approach to creating evergreen post-tour follow-up videos: 

Capture the Current Community: Create a video that showcases current residents using the amenities. This technique allows potential residents to visualize themselves in your community. Seeing people enjoying the pool, gym, or other communal areas creates a vivid picture of their future home life.
Avoid Content Fatigue: Be intentional about your mix of evergreen and personalized content. Too much generic content could make a warm prospect start to become a little cold.  

Evergreen videos are especially valuable when considering your bandwidth. Constantly creating and sending out personalized content repeatedly can be exhausting. Evergreen videos strike a balance, allowing you to maintain a warm connection without the constant strain of creating new content. 


Strategic Personalization Works

Personalized outreach is crucial because it builds a genuine connection and shows your potential residents that you value them as individuals. However, constantly creating new personalized content can be time-consuming and exhausting. 

By incorporating reusable, timeless videos into your strategy, you can maintain that personal touch without the constant effort of producing new content. Remember, though, sending out too much generic or repetitive content can cause prospects to lose interest and disengage. 

The key to maintaining warm prospects is to start personal and then strategically integrate evergreen content. 

If you want to make even better evergreen videos, consider checking out Batch Favorites: The Perfect Recipe for Sales Success! This resource will guide you through creating compelling evergreen content that keeps your prospects engaged and excited about your property. 


Tags: Boot Camp Basics

Tucker Tyree

Written by Tucker Tyree

Tucker is currently a Business Administration major hailing from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. When not hitting the books at the University of Southern California, you can catch him whipping up culinary delights, cheering for football, or simply hanging with roomies. Bonus! For that quintessential LA vibe, Tucker ditches the car for his trusty electric skateboard, gliding through the City of Angels with style.