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Four Forecasts for Multifamily in 2022 (and How Video Mail Can Help)

Jan 11, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Abbigail Madden

It can be daunting to analyze which trends will take hold in the future – especially in a market as vast as multifamily real estate. It is even more difficult to discern what is a trend that will last and what is just a passing fad.  

We are confident that the technological advancements of the past few years will be the key to differentiating yourself in the multifamily market in 2022. From technological advancements in health and wellness to implementation of virtual reality, technology will be at the forefront for multifamily real estate.  

Below, we outline our four forecasts for the multifamily housing industry in 2022 and how you can use video mail to support these trends. 

What is Video Mail? 

Before we begin, let’s first identify: What is video mail? 

Video mail is the term for sending videos via email. This is different from a video attachment or a hyperlink out to a video elsewhere on the internet because the video’s contents appear directly in the body of the email.  

Using video mail has revolutionized the way we think about and plan email campaigns. By adding video into your emails, you are introducing a new medium that will break up the monotony of text and images that your recipients so often receive via email. A personal video message could be the key component to break through a prospect’s filters and grab their attention. There is no other medium that can quickly and effectively communicate your message than video! 

We believe that an essential tool to support the technological advancements of the multifamily housing industry is video mail. Below, as we identify our predictions for commercial real estate, we outline how using video mail to support these advancements will produce greater results for your properties.  

#1 Show Support for Health and Wellness 

After nearly two years of disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a societal shift in how we approach health and wellness. With the growth of the self-care movement, residents are expecting features and amenities that embrace the wellness lifestyle. This includes, but is not limited to, fitness centers, pools, communal areas, outdoor spaces, etc. Beyond these wellness-boosting amenities, residents are also looking for communities that offer the security of healthy buildings.  

Daun St Amand, principal at architecture firm CallisonRTKL, says: 

“Fresh air with proper filtration, low VOCs, etc. are clearly spelled out in LEED, WELL, and Fit well building certification. We look at these programs as a baseline—they certainly respond to a healthy body, but what about the mind? Views, connections to biophilia, socialization between residents and others is our focus on what’s next with multifamily.” 

2022 will see an increase in the demand for communities that provide spaces that promote a healthy mind and body. 

How can you use video mail to leverage this? 

When engaging with a prospective resident that is expressly desiring a community that promotes wellness, try sending them a video message that highlights how your community is doing just that. Take a walk-through of your fitness center, show off your Zen Garden, shout-out your maintenance team’s recent work, etc. By sending your prospective or current residents video mail messages that demonstrate your support for health and wellness, you are creating a space that they want to be a part of! 

#2 Get Social on Social Media 

If your community isn’t on social media yet, you’ve already fallen behind. While having an engaging website is still essential, recent studies show that customers are more likely to check out a brand’s social media before visiting its website. Having a robust social media strategy is imperative for any company in 2022 – and we mean a social, social media strategy.  

Many commercial real estate properties curate strong social media content, be that: videos, graphics, testimonials - you name it, but often forget about the “social” part of social media. Residents and prospective residents alike want to engage with companies via social media, not just follow them. You should be engaging with residents and prospects daily, responding to messages, reviews, comments, and more. 

How can you use video mail to support a robust social strategy? 

Video mail can be a great tool to supplement dialog you are already having on your social media channels. There are many ways to do this, but here are a few examples: 

  • Send a video message inviting your database to follow you on social media.  
  • Use a video message to remind your database about a social media contest you might be having. 
  • If you see a common question or concern popping up on your social channels, send a video message to your database addressing how your community has the solution.  
  • Echo your social media announcements through personalized video with a video mail message sent directly to your database. 

These are a few examples of the many ways you can use video mail to provide a strong support to your social media messaging. 

#3 Implement AI Chat-Bots 

Despite the warnings from the science fiction genre, artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay. AI, in the form of chat-bots, is a rising tool for multifamily. With a chat-bot in place, property managers can quickly and accurately respond to prospective residents at any given time. This gives the prospective resident the autonomy to inquire about the location on their own schedule – not necessarily within the confines of the 8-5 world. Additionally, chat-bots that have been programmed to simulate a realistic, human-like conversation really resonate with clients. The smoother the user’s experience, the more likely the client will have a favorable impression of your property. 

Can you use video mail to support a chat-bot? 

Yes! One of the best ways to use video mail to support your chat-bot is to implement video messaging in the automation process. Does your chat-bot collect contact information? Send a follow-up video mail message from your property manager that formally introduces them. Did the client ask for more information about a specific floor plan or unit? Automate a response with a virtual tour created with video mail. Does your chat-bot send a copy of the conversation transcript to the client? Include a personalized video mail message in that email to differentiate yourself from other properties. These are a few of the many creative ways you can support your AI chat-bot with video mail! 

#4 Embrace Virtual Real Estate 

As we enter 2022, more and more companies are realizing the power of video in commercial real estate. Like with the AI chat-bot, many companies are embracing the power of AI and virtual reality (VR) in their marketing. VR allows prospective clients to see your property when they otherwise could not be there in person. These digital models allow clients to virtually enter the space they are interested in rather than simply looking at a flat floor plan.  

In 2022, many multifamily properties will be coupling VR with personalized video tours. This means, locations will offer general VR tours of specific floor plans on their websites, followed by personalized video tours of specific available units from property managers to interested parties. This reinforcement will give property managers multiple touch points with the prospective resident before they even visit the facilities. VR and video are a necessary element for all multifamily properties moving forward.  

Where does video mail come in? 

With video mail, creating personalized virtual tours just got a whole lot easier – and much more personal! Instead of following up with an overly-produced virtual tour of a generic unit, property managers can send quick, natural virtual tours of specific units to prospective residents. For example, if a prospect requests more information about a two-bedroom floorplan, your property manager can run into an available two-bedroom unit and show that prospect the exact unit they would be assigned. This makes the prospective resident feel more comfortable and involved in the process, without having to be physically on the premises.  


In conclusion, rapid changes in the technology used in the multifamily industry is the key trend for 2022. Our specific forecast shows an increased demand for value in health and wellness amenities, a strong social media strategy, robust use of AI chat-bots, and VR real estate. Establishing these technologies in your marketing strategy can be overwhelming. Our suggestion is to provide support to these processes with video mail.  

To get started with video mail, try out SalesMail by clicking down below! 

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Tags: MultiFamily Housing

Abbigail Madden

Written by Abbigail Madden

Abbi is SalesMail's Digital Marketing Director. When she isn't writing copy, posting on social, or sending emails, you can find her reading, crafting, or hiking. Connect with her on LinkedIn to stay up to date on all things SalesMail!